Metric View
Metrics are a powerful feature that allows you to keep an eye on your most important data at glance. It can be used by itself or as a part of a dashboard, report, or workflow.
With Metric Builder, you can build the three different gauges seen below:
Dial Gauge
Bullet Gauge
Building a Metric
To build your first metric, you can access the Chart Builder from the Analyze tab of the dataset you’d like to use, or through Dashboard Builder. Select the type of metric you would like to build, Indicator, Bullet or Gauge, and drag a value to the fields shelf or onto the canvas zone.
As soon as you add the field, the value will be shown and you can continue styling your metric accessing the Comparison and Styles section from the right-side panel.
You can add time comparison options by dragging a date field to the right-side panel in the Date Column area and selecting a time period to compare with from a series of options such as Last Hour, Today, This month, Last quarter, This year, and others.
In the Comparison section, you can also define the styles for fonts and the change value. You can set colors and symbols for Increasing/Decreasing Change and No Change which will reflect depending on the data.
There are other options to control visual aspects and behaviour of the metric, like the automatic resizing of the content which will re-adjust itself to the size of the panel when it’s on. When it’s off, it will take the defined font size. Another available option is to turn on/off the animation used to display the indicator metric while the data is loading.
For Dial and Bullet Gauge style metrics, Thresholds can be set. You can choose to provide color-coded ranges for your data. Typically, users create three thresholds to indicate good, bad and in-between ranges for their metrics. You can provide each threshold with a name and assign a color to it.
Ability to Control Metric Animation
This is a new option located inside Chart Builder Metrics Styles that allows you to add and turn off the metric animations. Once turned off, every time a page containing that metric is loaded or new data comes in, the metric will no longer show the default animation.